Danila Volkov
Danila Volkov
"Billig war nur, was man nicht selbstverständlich trug, dachte Ravic"
Danila Volkov
"Billig war nur, was man nicht selbstverständlich trug, dachte Ravic"
The sense of smell is so important to me that a blocked nose disorients me so much I cannot think, walk, or eat.

No fortune-teller touched my hand while mumbling the words 'perfumery' while I was fumbling for my destiny. I am simply bound innately to hearken to this beautiful world through all the five great channels of perceptions. I cannot live otherwise, this is my nature – one life and zero right to let beauty escape.

Perfumery is the very prism of aesthetics, that very gate that emotions come and make themselves manifest. Olfaction is the oldest of all senses, and its HQ sits deep inside the ancient parts of our brain. I love to discover this world through smell, search for peculiar combinations, inspire myself and others, be fascinated, jump with joy and share what I have found.

I have created three good-enough canvas-perfume under Dasein ->. I write olfactory chords, not unlike music.

I study here, in my laboratory, read books in the four languages I have at my disposal, and spend hours listening to components. The crucial thing is to, naturally, see what others have brought into the world. I wish I could have a closer look at how perfume was made before IFRA came in and crushed that logic forever.

I play the drums, climb concrete jungles, teach English and daily fall prey to German. I have served in the Army and wrote a book there, studying Japanese in the background. My approach to life is: ideas are bulletproof; there are no two words in the english language more harmful than ‘good job’; the more you work, the luckier you get. Allergic to words “talent”, “right”, “happiness”. And pineapple.

My respect goes to the few who do what they love and know. And I want the same respect. Not for the looks, for what I am or for a timely compliment, no. My creations, invested time should move people, make them feel, think, and live.

Is creating something new an option? I cannot say I feel this yet. I am sooner playing with the old, creating a base, studying the future.

KXD, which Karo and I develop, is an olfactory journey and a reflection of our worlds through the five great ways of perceiving life.

1OLFACTORY - [adjective noun] relating to the sense of smell.